Weather stations, weather centres & accessories from BRESSER

Knowing what the weather will be like? No longer a problem with weather stations from Bresser!

Weather forecast, temperature, time and date – featuring large digits and a built-in frost alarm, this weather station will keep you up-to-date with the local weather conditions.
29,99 € *
Not only see how much rain is falling, but also track the last 12h of rain fall via barchart graph or cumulative rainfall for the past year.
79,00 € * Shipping Weight 0.784 kg
Improving indoor climate and preventing mould made easy - with this temperature and humidity meter with ventilation recommendation
29,99 € * Shipping Weight 0.4 kg
Remote sensor with an extra long radio range of 150m!
34,95 € * Shipping Weight 0.097 kg
Multifunctional thermometer/hygrometer with colour display
79,00 € * Shipping Weight 0.648 kg
Keep track of the weather with this Wi-Fi weather station – take diverse measurements, view the weather forecast, configure alarm functions, and much more!
239,00 € *
Electronics accessories
19,99 € * Shipping Weight 0.134 kg
Monitor the indoor climate in 4 rooms: Keep an eye on the temperature and humidity with these chic and compact thermo-hygrometers!
39,99 € *
3 Sensor Weather Station
89,00 € * Shipping Weight 0.75 kg
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